Saturday, August 25, 2007

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat--Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat

1.Watch How You Prepare Your Food- Even you choose healthy options, such as vegetables and lean meats, but if you fry them or slather them in butter, then you do yourself no good. Instead broil or bake your vegetables and meats. Also be sure to drain any meat that you cook, and trim the fat from any meats that you consume. Try also to prepare only fresh or frozen vegetables, instead canned.

2. Graze and Eat Small Meals-Consume 5-6 meals a day instead of three big ones. This makes your body work more efficient. This also helps to boost your metabolism, and decreasing the amount of fat storage. This also helps to stabilize your blood sugar, which gives you more energy and decreases the risk that you binge.

3. Don't Starve Yourself- Starving yourself actually slows down your metabolism. Your body goes into starvation mode and stops burning fat as effeciently, making it hard to lose weight even if you are exercising. Instead your body will store fat in an effort to save itself. This process slows the metabolic rate, making it difficult for the body to burn fat, no matter how much exercise you do. This is because the body goes into starvation mode. It believes it is starving to death!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat with Ab Blasting Foods

Ab blasting foods serve two functions. They are excellent nutritionally. They also help you develop killer abs because they will help you eliminate fat and empty calories from your diet. Ab blasting foods help build muscle, encourage weight loss, create stronger bones, decrease your blood pressure, help in the fight against cancer and improve your immune function. Try including these foods in meals and snacks throughout the day.

1. Nuts (especially almonds)
2. Legumes & Beans
3. Green Vegetables (especially spinach)
4. Low Fat Dairy Products
5. Instant Oatmeal

How to get rid of belly fat

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat by Eliminating Stress

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat by Eliminating Stress

Most people are probably aware that stress and the "stress hormone" cortisol, contributes to belly fat. It's pretty well documented, especially with the sale of many cortisol related products, which promise to do away with belly fat, by decreasing this hormone. But are you aware of the science behind the connection? If not, let me briefly explain.

Fat in the belly is different than other fats in your body. There is a great blood supply to the fat in your stomach and an increased number of receptors for cortisol (the stress-related hormone). During the day, your cortisol levels will both increase and decrease. However, for those that are chronically stressed, cortisol levels will stay elevated. High levels of cortisol are contributed with an increased appetite, and increased fat depostis, especially around the abdomen. The more stress, the more cortisol, the more belly fat. Chronic stress also destroys neurons in the brain, which cause trouble with the feel good neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonic, which leads to depression, stress and fat.

Fantastic Ab Building Resources

1. Firm and Flatten Your Abs: Click Here

2. Instant 6 Pack: Click Here

3. Workout Pass: Click Here

4. Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle: Click Here